25 Dozen Tips for Better Communication and Leadership Skills
Fifth edition, 2006.
Price: $ 30.00, plus 8.25 percent sales tax and $3, shipping and handling.

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Do you need to improve your communication and leadership skills? This handbook offers 300 tips to help you improve communication skills that are essential for success and leadership and facilitate upward mobility.

Updated and revised, the fifth edition reflects Dr. Zaffirini´s secrets for success as a communicator and leader. She provides a dozen tips about each of 25 subjects ranging from better and more persuasive public speaking, conquering stage fright, and developing leadership and presiding skills to diversity, customer service, and managing conflict. Appendices that capture her model speech format, audience/occasion analysis form, and model manuscript/notebook format are especially helpful for public speakers and presenters.

25 Dozen Tips for Better Communication and Leadership Skills evolved from 10 Dozen Tips published initially in 1997, then as 12, 15, and 20 Dozen Tips. It is the first in her 100 Dozen Tips series of handbooks.

Order your copy today and extras for friends, family, employees, and business associates. You can communicate more effectively!
Copyright © 2009 Zaffirini Communications. All rights reserved.